
45 minutes   three quarters of an hour
21st - twenty-first     30ththirtieth    31stthirty first      
opened 24 x 7 - twenty-four by seven               opened 24/7 or 24-7 twenty-four seven
13 –15 thirteen to fifteen   80,000 – 200,000 between eighty and two hundred thousand
1/4 - one quarter   3/4  - three quarters    7/10 – seven tenths      
Decadeten years                            24 hour round the clock
12 months annualy                           2 daysa couple of
1914 (year)nineteen fourteen                 2012 - Two thousand and twelve
17:30 – seventeen thirty      2030 twenty thirty            At 0845 – zero eight forty-five
0800 zero eight hundred hours            10 a.m.  - ten in the morning
0010 hrs – just after midnight                 1330 hrs – thirteen thirty hours
2400 hours – midnight                             19:30 seven thirty p.m.
7 – 10.30 - from seven to ten thirty
2,500 two thousand, five hundred             7,000+ - more than 7,000                                      
250,000 – a quarter of a million       Billion - в наст. время равен 1тыс. милл.1 000 000 000
500 000 000 – half a billion pouds                200000 – two hundred thousand
1004 – one thousand and four
Fourfold - четырехкратный, четверной                     2441 – two double four one
$35.50 thirty-five and fifty cents              0 zero                nought [nɔːt] ноль
2 % - two percent     2B two B      60*C - sixty degrees    3100three one zero degreese
We need 4 M16 bolts. four M sixteen bolts                4.2 m just over four metres

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