
1.               A cabin is your health and safety hazard. #
2.               All necessary equipment was stowed in an appropriate location.
3.               Are any portable fire-extinguishers available? #
4.               Are they going to carry out bunkering soon?
5.               Chemicals must be handled with great care. #
6.               Did the officer explain the dangers of working aloft?
7.               Did you inform the Master about the visitors? #                                              
8.               Did you inspect the cargo spaces for stowaways? #
9.               Did you post the lookout on the forecastle? # Вы поставили вахту на полубаке?
10.            Did you put BACK your tools in the tool box? # ?
11.            Did you put your tools BACK in the tool box? N
12.            Did you receive a work-permit before entering THE enclosed space? N #
13.            Do all require security personnel training? ?
14.            Do you have designated security duties? #
15.            Do you know how to don a lifejacket correctly? #
16.            Don’t touch that suspicious looking package. = # подозрительный
17.            Have just checked the fire-fighting equipment.
18.            Have you carried out ship assessment yet?
19.            Have you checked the first aid equipment? #
20.            Have you fixed the oily water separator yet?
21.            Have you inspected the mooring lines yet? #
22.            Have you read the operating instructions yet? #                                                                   
23.            Have you searched the container for stowaway? #
24.            Have you seen the permit to work? #
25.            Have you seen the ship security plan anywhere? #
26.            He completed the training course three months ago. #
27.            He has been on duty for 24 hours. #
28.            How do the pirates attack far from coast?
29.            How do you prevent unauthorised persons from coming on board? #
30.            How easy is it to smuggle drugs? N
31.            How highly are the pirate gangs trained?
32.            How long did it take them to pick up the survivors? #
33.            How long will it take you to get there? #
34.            How long will the refitting take? #
35.            How long will the ship stay in Barcelona? #
36.            How long have you been working for that company? #
37.            How many assisting tugs were in the berthing?
38.            How many people helped to extinguish the fire? #
39.            How many propellers has your vessel got? #
40.            How many tugs were assisting in the berthing? #
41.            How much time do you need to repair the winch? #
42.            I have just checked the fire-fighting equipment. #
43.            If you do that you risk causing an explosion. N Если вы это сделаете, вы рискуете вызвать взрыв
44.            Inform the bridge at the earliest opportunity.
45.            Is there a lot of smuggling by sea? # Много ли контрабанды по морю.
46.            Is there an increase in cargo theft?
47.            It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold. #
48.            Oil is the main source of marine pollution. #
49.            Prepare the Main Engines for departure. =
50.            Protective respiratory equipment should be used. #
51.            Respirators don't provide protection in oxygen deficient atmospheres. #
52.            Seal off the access to accommodation. =  # Перекрыть доступ в жилые помещения.
53.            Switch on additional lights when it gets dark. N Включите дополнительный свет, когда стемнеет.
54.            The 3rd officer has never sailed this route before.
55.            The boat has left that suspicious area. = # подозрительный район
56.            The breathing apparatus is over there. #
57.            The cargo was damaged by water. #
58.            The hoses have just been pressurized. #
59.            The lube oil has been contaminated with sea water.
60.            The Master is going to brief the crew. =
61.            The Master is responsible for the emergency party training. #
62.            The officer informed the terminal about the situation. #
63.            The Panamas bulker sent out a distress message saying the holds were filling with water.
64.            The passengers disembarked from the vessel 2 hours ago. #
65.            The rescue operations were completed successfully. #
66.            The security incident has been filed.
67.            The storm warning was received at 19:00 hrs. #
68.            The tanker is altering course to starboard. #
69.            The team began donning breathing apparatus and chemical suits.
70.            The tug service will be resumed after 8 hours. #
71.            The use of mobile phones is prohibited.
72.            The vessel I work on is old. #
73.            The vessel loaded a cargo of sawn timber yesterday. #
74.            The weather is going to improve when we reach Lisbon. N
75.            There's poor visibility because of the fog. #
76.            These holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct temperature. #
77.            This lock has been broken by someone. #
78.            This should be carried out by trained personnel only. #
79.            Tools which are defective mustn't be used.
80.            Warning signs must be displayed. #
81.            We have finished pressurizing the hoses.
82.            We must have additional lighting on deck.
83.            We need to carry out a lifeboat drill next week. #
84.            We need to examine the release gear. #
85.            We need to leave the berth In.
86.            We need to maintain full speed ahead. = #
87.            We should provide a detailed report.
88.            What are the advantages of this system? #
89.            What are the latest requirements about security? #
90.            What are the procedures in case of fire? #
91.            What are the three security levels?  
92.            What are your duties at sea? #
93.            What cargo are you loading in hold no 4? #
94.            What cargo pass throw your port?
95.            What did they manage to avoid the incident?
96.            What did you have for dinner yesterday? #
97.            What do the security guards have weaponed?
98.            What do you thinking of doing?
99.            What doors must be locked when in port? #
100.         What equipment should I use when working aloft? #
101.         What fire-fighting appliances do you have on board? #
102.         What is the biggest cause of breakdowns in security?
103.         What is the name of that vessel over there? #
104.         What is the purpose of a ship security plan? =
105.         What is your cabin number please?
106.         What kinds of cargo pass through your port? #
107.         What points should be considered in the cargo plan?
108.         What safety measures are carried out on vessels? #
109.         What should you do if you see a man has fallen overboard?
110.         What warning notices were used during welding? #
111.         What will you do if you lose your job?
112.         What will you do if you notice the smell of smoke?
113.         What's the name of that vessel over there? #
114.         When are you going to complete bunkering? = #
115.         When did the accident in the galley happen?
116.         When did these new regulations come into force?
117.         When did they put out the fire? #
118.         When did you have a security related drill? #
119.         When did you last check the fire flaps? #
120.         When did you last check the lifeboat inventory?
121.         When did you last have a security related drill? # (иметь отношение)
122.         When did you last launch the lifeboat? #
123.         When did you last see the watchman? #
124.         When did you launch the last lifeboat?
125.         When it gets dark the additional lights switch on. # Когда стемнеет, включается дополнительный свет.
126.         When was the letter issued to the port authorities? N #
127.         When will the ship arrive in Liverpool? #
128.         When will the ship deliver supplies? # Когда корабль доставит припасы?
129.         When will they be permitted to go dock ashore? #
130.         When will you deliver the ship suppliers? Когда вы будете доставлять корабли поставщикам?
131.         When will you deliver the ship supplies? # Когда вы доставите корабельные припасы?
132.         Where are all the visitor passes?
133.         Where are you from?
134.         Where can I get protective gloves? = #
135.         Where do you expect to go next?
136.         Where is the oil spill removal equipment stored onboard? # N
137.         Where is the ship registered? #
138.         Where will they rig the pilot ladder? # (оснащать)
139.         Where will you rig the pilot ladder? #
140.         Which defective tools are must not be used? # N
141.         Which flight is boarding at gate 18?
142.         Which side will the ship moor? # 
143.         Which sun screen would you like to buy?                                                                  
144.         Who can speak Spanish on board? #
145.         Who gave the order to stop the engines? #                                                                           
146.         Why didn’t you inform the bridge about the accident? #
147.         Why have you disabled the alarm system?
148.         Why is that man taking photos of the vessel? #
149.         Why was the Master so angry? #                                                 
150.         You must sign the visitor’s log before boarding.
151.         You mustn't smoke in the cargo hold. #
152.         You need a license to operate this machine.

153.         You need to check the mooring ropes. #