
Move each word into the correct category.
Batch партия of goods (consignment накладная, shipment отгрузка) / Damaging goods (contamination загрязнение, infestation заражение) / Taking goods (theft кражи, pilferage хищения) #
Bodily health hazard (injury травмы, illness болезни) / Environmental hazard (spill, contamination) / Vessel damage (repair team, dry docking)
Building (warehouse-склад, factory) / Transport (motorbike, train) / Communication (fax, telephone) #
Cargo (grain, timber древесина) / Damage to cargo (crushing, wetting) / Cargo documentation (Bill of lading [ˈleɪdɪŋ] kоносамент, Mate’s receipt штурманская расписка) #
Cargo handling gear (slings стропы, tarpaulin-брезент) / Cargo (flour-мука, sheet iron) / Damage to cargo (soiling- загрязнение, fermentation-брожение) #
Cargo safety problems (spontaneous combustion-самовозгорание, cargo saturation- насыщенность) / Dry bulk (sand, fertilizers-удобрение) / Liquid bulk (petroleum, oil) #
Cause (lifting heavy objects, explosion) / Injury (back strain-растяжение, burns) / Prevention (use lifting equipment, handle-обращаться с chemical properly).
Cause (low compression, low pressure) / Part (piston rings, piston) / Remedy - исправлять (recharge reservoir, check starting air) #
Cause (low compression, low pressure) / Part (starting air, piston) / Remedy - исправлять (check piston rings, recharge reservoir) #
Change (modify, alter) / Keep the same (retain удержать, maintain) / Make better (improve, upgrade)
Colors (black, blue) / Types of communication (verbal - словесный, written) / Crimes at sea (piracy, smuggling- контрабанда) #
Condition at sea (restricted visibility, hazy туманный) / Body conditions (sweaty потный, dizzy головокружительный) / Conditions on deck (slippery скользкий, greasy) = #
Country (Germany, India) / Language (Russian, French) / Currency (Euro, dollar) #
Crime (bribery взяточничество, hijack угон) / Judgement Приговор (guilty виновный, innocent невиновный) / Punishment (fine, imprisonment) #
Crimes (smuggling, terrorism) / Drugs (cocaine, heroin) / Explosives (dynamite, grenades граната)
Criminals (smugglers контрабандисты, pirates) / Law enforcer Правоохранители (security guards, Port State Control) / Weapons (rockets, semi-automatic rifle) #
Cutlery столовый прибор (spoon, knife) / Seasoning приправа (pepper, salt) / Cooking utensils кухонная принадлежность (scales, chopping board) #
Deck (lashing system крепежная система, stowage укладка) / Bridge (magnetic compass, voyage plan) / Engine room (fuel oil pump, diesel generator) #
Description of hazards (electrocution поражение электрическим током, working aloft) / Control measures (safety notices, isolators) / Likelihood of risk Вероятность (low, significant значительный) #
Dirty water (waste, contaminated) / Water systems (pipes, plumbing водопровод) / Water diseases (cholera, E.Coli) #
Drills (man overboard, abandon ship) / Life-saving equipment (lifebuoy, liferaft) / Dangerous body conditions (dehydration, hypothermia)
Enclosed space entry personnel (rescue team, standby attendant дежурный помощник) / Enclosed space equipment (stretcher, torch) / Inert gases (tasteless, odourless - без запаха) #
Engineering (calibration, cooling system) / Life-saving equipment (poor visibility, voyage plan) / Galley (oven, chopping board)
Engineering (calibration, cooling system) / Navigation (voyage plan, poor visibility) / Galley (oven, chopping board) #
Equipment failure (leakage, burst-разрушение) / Equipment (boiler, generator) / Repair (replace, weld)
Equipment failure (overheating, blackout) / Equipment (engine, pump) / Repair (welding, soldering).
Explosive devices (mines, pipe bombs самодельные) / People with access to the vessel (contractors, vendors поставщик) / System security interference (jamming radio signal глушение, disabling alarms отключение) #
Fire-fighting appliances (hose, extinguisher) / Weather conditions (dense fog, poor visibility) / Life-saving appliances (lifebuoy, thermal protective aid)
Food (beef stew тушёная говядина, soup) / Kitchen utensils (tin opener открывалка, potato peeler-чистелка) / Furniture (wardrobe-шкаф, sofa) #
Food (pasta, rice) / Kitchen utensils-утварь (bowl-чаша, knife) / Furniture (armchair, table) #
Food hygiene (disinfect, sterilise) / Food temperature (boiling, freezing) / Condition of food (mouldy -  заплесневелый, rotten - гнилой) #
Footwear (boots, slippers) / Clothing (shirt, belt) / Electrical items (DVD player, television)
Fruit (grapes, peach-персик) / Vegetable (cabbage-капуста, cucumber-огурец) / Drink (milk, wine)
Fruit (water melon-дыня, pineapple) / Vegetable (potato, carrot-морковь) / Drink (tea, coffee) #
Furniture in a cabin (table, locker) / Maritime signals (lighthouse - маяк, cylindrical buoy) / Navigation devices (echo sounder, magnetic compass) #
Galley equipment (dishwasher, stove-печь) / Cargo equipment (hook, boom-стрела крана) / Navigational equipment (course recorder, gyrocompass)
Gangway conditions (net correctly rigged, slippery) / Documentation (certificates, records учетная документация) / Security at gangway (I.D., visitor’s log)
Good working practice (competence, assertive настойчивый) / Bad working practice (inconsistent непоследовательность, complacency самоуспокоенность) / Conditions of work (shift, rotation)
Handling food - Обработка продуктов питания (blue plasters, disposable gloves) / Washing floors (mops, bucket) / Fridge (stored, covered) #
Hazard (lack of oxygen, toxic atmosphere) / Degree of risk (likely, harmful) / Controls (continuous monitoring, ventilate) #
Highly likely (imminent неизбежное, impending надвигающееся) / Likely (possible, probably) / Unlikely (rarely редко, remote удаленный) #
Holes (rotting гниение, wastage отходы) / Poor condition of wood (cracks микротрещины, fractures трескаться) / Poor condition of pipes (leakage, rusty)
Include (insert вставить, fill in заполнить) / Delete (cut out вырезать, omit упустить) / Change (replace, substitute замещение)
Injury (burns, back strain растяжение спины) / Cause (explosion, lifting heavy objects поднимая тяжелые предметы) / Prevention (handle chemical properly правильно обращаться с химикатами, use lifting equipment)
Kitchen equipment (meet chopper, casserole dish - запеканка)
Lifeboat accidents (fall overboard, slips поскользнуться) / Lifeboat equipment (canopy навес, lifeline спасательный трос) / Lifeboat steering mechanism (propeller, rudder)
Loading facilities (forklift truck, grab) / Steering arrangement (rudder angle indicator, autopilot) / Anchor arrangement (windlass, chain locker) #
Low risk (minor незначительный, moderate умеренный) / Medium risk (severe строгий[sɪˈvɪə], major важный) / Significant risk значительный (critical, disastrous гибельный) =
Mooring appliances (fairlead, reel)
Mooring arrangement (winch, head line носовой конец) / Cargo-handling (portal deck crane, heavy-lift derrick) / Towing arrangement (fender, towline)
Mooring terms (breast line, bollard) / Anchoring terms (chain locker, windlass) / Cargo handling gear (grad crane, derrick-вышка).
Navigation (ECDIS, paper chart) / Tools for chart correction (correction or adhesive клейкий [ədˈhiːsɪv], eraser) / Pencil type (hard, soft)
Navigation (voyage plan, poor visibility)
Objects in wallet бумажник (bank card, foreign currency) / Travel documents (passport, vaccination certificate) / Objects in suitcase (jumper, jeans) #
Open (porthole, vents) / Turn (knob, dial) / Coil (rope, wire)
Part (piston, recharge reservoir)
Part of ship (deck, bulkhead) / Ship space (workshop, storeroom) / Ship characteristics (draft, breadth-ширина) #
Part of ship (forecastle, superstructure) / Type of ship (tanker, reefer) / Cargo (coal, fertilizer-удобрение) = #
Part of ship (funnel, hull) / Places in a ship (bridge, cargo hold) / Ship characteristics (deadweight, length overall) #
Part of the body (knee-колено, shoulder-плечо) / Type of injure (sprain-растяжение, a break-ломать) / Medication (antibiotics, ointment-мазь) #
Part of the body (leg, head) / Type of injure (burn, cut) / Medication and treatment-обработка (injection, pills) #
Parts of the body (shoulders, chest) / Medical conditions (cough, swelling опухоль , отёк ) / Medicines (antibiotics, skin ointment - мазь)
People (stevedores, chandlers) / Stowage складирование (cargo, containers) / Transport (trailers, trucks)
Personal protective clothing (safety shoes, hard hat) / Life-saving equipment (life-jacket, breathing apparatus) / Accidents (grounding, explosion) = #
Personal protective equipment (dusk mask, safety line) / Accidents in the galley (lacerations порез, scalding ошпаривание) / First aid (disinfect, cleanse [klenz] прочищать) #
Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles) / Lifesaving equipment (immersion suit, life raft) / Accidents (fire, collision) #
Personal protective equipment (respirator, high visibility waistcoat светоотражающий жилет) / Accidents at height (falls, dropped objects) / First aid (bandage, plaster) #
Personal protective equipment (safety gloves, ear defenders) / Life-saving equipment (rescue boat, free-fall lifeboat) / Fire-fighting equipment (fire flaps, hydrant) #
Personal protective equipment (safety goggles, boiler suit) / Life-saving equipment (life jacket, immersion suit) / Fire-fighting equipment (fire blanket, extinguisher) #
Personal protective equipment (visor маска, dressing) / Accidents in the water (man overboard, capsize опрокидываться) / First aid (compress, floating aid) #
Plan (Strategy, method методика) / Training (drills, workshop семинар) / Training personnel (instructor, mentor наставник)
Poor water плохая вода (stagnant застойный, stale затхлый) / Purifying water (filters, chlorine) / Water systems (hoses, tanks)
Port State Control (detain задерживать, deficiency) / Crimes (theft воровство, bribery взяточничество) / Injuries (casualties жертвы, wounded раненые) #
Preventing pirates boarding (barbed wire колючка, pressurized hoses) / Reporting piracy (suspicious vessels, distinguishing features отличительная черта) / Ways of boarding by pirates (ladders, ropes)
Preventing pirates boarding (locked grill, rat guards крысиные стражи) / Drug smuggling Контрабанда наркотиков (conceal скрывать, hide) / Bomb discovery (evacuation, open vents)
Prevention (use lifting equipment, handle chemical properly)/
Prohibition sign (No access, No smoking) / Warning sign (Be careful, Take precautions) / Mandatory sign (Wear face protection, Use safety harness) #
Pulses [pʌls] бобы (beans фасоль, lentils чечевица) / Dairy (cheese, ice-cream) / Grains (oats овес, wheat пшеница)
Relatives-родные (uncle, nephew-племянник) / Job (doctor, lawyer) / Place of work (bank, shop).
Renew batteries (change, recharge) / Non-working batteries (flat, dead) / Dangerous battery condition (leaking, corrosive) #
Repair (glue, weld) / Places on the vessel (bridge, galley) / Weather conditions (drizzle - морось, sleet мокрый снег) #
Retreat отступать (pull back, withdraw выводить) / Advance (lead, proceed) / Remain still (stationary, inert) #
Safety (patrols, vigilance бдительность) / Criminals (suicide bombers, drug cartels) / Weapons (pistol, sub-machine gun пистолет-пулемет)
Safety equipment (face shield, ear defenders) / Hazardous materials (toxic gas, flammable liquid) / Types of emergency (sinking-погружение, grounding).
Serious deficiencies (suspended from class отстранен от занятий, detainment задержание) / Delay (hold up приостановить, postpone отсрочка) / Corrective action (rectify исправить, follow-up repair последующий ремонт)
Shape - форма (triangle, square) / Color (blue, green) / Size (large, wide)
Shape-форма (rectangular, round) / Color (grey, purple) / Size (huge, small)
Ship’s linen (curtains занавес, pillowcase) / Tableware (goblet бокал, mustard pot) / Stationery (eraser, glue)#
Ships equipment (boat davit, windlass) / Type of ship (LPG, ferry) / Cargo (coal, fertilizers - удобрение) #
Ships equipment (fresh water generator, purifier) / Type of ship (ro-ro, supply vessel) / Cargo (sugar, iron ore-железная руда) =
Small objects in the skin (splinters заноза, fragments осколки) / Loud noises (drilling, riveting клепальный) / Tools (hammer, nail gun) #
Stowaway безбилетник precautions (systematic search of vessel, check for broken seals) / Discovery of stowaway (strip search личный досмотр, separate) / Training drills (evacuation, hijacking захват судна) #
Tools (chisel, pliers) / Bosun’s stock (primer, padlock) / Kitchen equipment (meat chopper, casserole dish запеканка) #
Tools (screwdriver, shears [ˈʃɪəz] ножницы) / Fire-fighting equipment (extinguisher, hose) / Electrotechnics (power switchboard, plug) #
Tools (soldering iron, wrench) / Means of signaling (smoke float, hand flare-вспышка) / Mooring appliances-устройство (fairlead-направляющий блок, reel-барабан) #
Tools for chart correction (dividers циркуль, compasses циркуль) / Types of adhesive клейкий (scotch tape, paste клейстер) / Charts таблица (symbols условное обозначение, abbreviations сокращение) #
Types of cargo (timber, coal)
Types of diseases (cholera, typhoid) / Medical staff (nurse, consultant) / Symptoms (vomiting рвота, sweating потливость) #
Types of emergency (grounding, sinking) / Hazardous materials (flammable liquid, toxic gas) / Safety equipment (face shield, ear defender) #
Types of exercises (search and rescue, tabletop simulation) / Aim of exercises (communication, coordination) / Specific security duties (anti-piracy lookout, gangway watch)
Types of fruit (blueberry, melon) / Types of injury (swelling отек, lacerations рваные раны) / Clothing (sweater, scarf)
Types of lifeboats (enclosed, free-fall) / Lifeboat equipment (davits, winches) / Lifeboat accident (crush, capsize)
Types of pollution (exhaust emission, anti-fouling paints противообрастающие краски) / Biodegrade разложиться (rot разложение, dissolve растворять) / Material (aluminium, polystyrene)
Very dangerous (deadly, hazardous) / Safe (secure, protect) / Cause of death (drowning утопление, suffocation удушье) #
Vetting observation (pollution) (garbage disposal, overboard discharge) / Vetting (general appearance) (temporary repairs, vents missing) / Vetting (mooring) (missing anchor, spliced ropes)
Weather (elements стихия, precipitation осадки) / Protection from rain (tarpaulin, waterproofs) / Effects of intense heat (melt, evaporate) #
Weather conditions (gale-шторм, hurricane-ураган) / Navigational equipment (echo sounder, radar) / Anchoring terms (shackle-скоба, gypsy-швартовный барабан)
Written communication (text message, email) / Spoken communication (radio message, voicemail) / Physical communication (wave, nod network operation domain) #

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