40-43; 50-55

Choose the correct word. Verbs.
Choose the correct word. Questions.
1.            A fire broke out in the Engine room 30 minute ago. # break out вспыхнуть
2.            A locked grill should be placed over the top of the hawse pipe. # hawse pipe клюз
3.            A stowaway has been found in the Eng. room.
4.            A stowaway tried to board the vessel while we were in port.
5.            A systematic search carry out before the ship sails.
6.            A tropical storm has been hitting the island since Tuesdayю
7.            All cargo should be checked thoroughly before loading.
8.            All entries entered into the Oil Record Book must be up-to-date, accurate, truthful and
9.            All fire broke out in the engine room 30 minute ago.
10.         All this equipment should be maintained according with the manufacturer's instructions
11.         Any changes would appear on the new chartю
12.         Any visitors must sign the visitor's log. #
13.         Anyone with access to the vessel is a security threat.
14.         Are any portable fire-extinguishers available?
15.         Are the engines ready?
16.         Are the new crew members instructed on occupational safety are the temperature recorders in the holds operational?
17.         Are the sea conditions expected to change?
18.         Are the temperature recorders in the holds operational?
19.         Are there any danger to...?
20.         Are there any injured crew members on board? #
21.         Are there any warnings down operation?
22.         Are they checking the alarm system just now? #
23.         Are weapons allowed onboard?
24.         Are you altered imderw
25.         Are you going to leave the port on Friday? #
26.         Are you joining us later?
27.         Are you leaving tomorrow or Friday?
28.         Are you ready for pilot’s arrival?
29.         Are you ready to order the supplies?
30.         Are you ready to sail? #
31.         As soon as I have further information i will make.
32.         Attention! make use of the hand.
33.         Avoid contact with any moving parts. #
34.         Be careful not to slip on the deck its wet!
35.         Be careful! a small amount of oil has spilled, on the deck
36.         Before commencing loading all necessary preparations should be made in the port. #
37.         Before departure all non-seagoing visitors must leave.
38.         Beware of those bare wires.
39.         Boarding arrangements do not comply, with SOLAS regulations.
40.         By the time the emergency team arrived, the fire had already been located by the 3rd Officer. #
41.         Can we connect the loading arm?
42.         Can we have some additional lighting over side? #
43.         Can you fix it before departure?
44.         Can you repair the damage?
45.         Can you understand what Cargo theft continue to rise?
46.         Children must be kept under.
47.         Did the crew clean and prepare the cargo holds yesterday? #
48.         Did there any injured crew members on board?
49.         Did they manage to fix the air conditioning unit?
50.         Did you forget to carry a spare face mask?
51.         Did you include the incident in your report?
52.         Did you inform the master about the visitors? #
53.         Did you practice the fire drill yesterday?
54.         Did you remember to file that accident report? = #
55.         Did you report the damage immediately?
56.         Did you speak to the superintendent about the pump?
57.         Do not enter the traffic lane.
58.         Do not leave the hatch cover oven.
59.         Do not push each other.
60.         Do not remove protective shields, guards, covers or any warning signs.
61.         Do you accept shore based navigational?
62.         Do you carry any dangerous goods?
63.         Do you have all the visitor passes? #
64.         Do you have any passengers disembarking in this port?
65.         Do you have designated security duties? #
66.         Do you have to have shore passes to go ashore? = #
67.         Do you have to have shore passes?
68.         Do you know how to don a life jacket correctly?
69.         Do you know this destination?
70.         Do you know who the company security officer is? = #
71.         Do you like this food? Yes, it’s the best I’ve ever tasted. #
72.         Do you need a bandage for the cut?
73.         Do you need a hand rigging the water hoses?
74.         Do you need a hand rigging the water hoses? #
75.         Do you think someone has tried to break into the Bosun’s locker? #
76.         Do you understand the instructions? #
77.         Do you understand the standing orders?
78.         Do you understand your assigned security duties?
79.         Do you understand your assigned security duties? #
80.         Do you want fish or chick?
81.         Do you want navigation assistance?
82.         Does an immersion suit reduce body heat loss? #
83.         Does it vital we switch off the main generator?
84.         Does the Cook know how to use the fire blanket? #
85.         Does the fire party have ba.
86.         Does the helmsman understand English?
87.         Does the ship have a bow thruster? #
88.         Does the Ship Security Officer accountable to the Master?
89.         Don’t approach this area. Its prohibited.
90.         Don’t me any heating appliances in your cabin it can be dangerous.
91.         Don’t remove protective shields, guards, covers or any warnings signs. #
92.         Don’t start until you have received the order Don't panic! Everything is
93.         Don’t touch that package.
94.         Don’t use any heating appliances in your cabin, it can be dangerous. #
95.         During an emergency, the names of all persons on board must be called out to see, if anyone is missing? #
96.         Emergency services must be called immediately. #
97.         Ensure that the procedures in the ship security plan are followed. #
98.         Go and see why that man’s taking photo of the vessel
99.         Has the cargo been delivered yet? #
100.       Have known the Chief Engineer for 10 years?
101.       Have you any passengers disembarking in this port? N #
102.       Have you checked the first aid equipment? #
103.       Have you ever been to Singapore? #
104.       Have you ever been to Australia? #
105.       Have you ever had a bomb alert? #
106.       Have you filed that incident report?
107.       Have you informed the Officer of the watch? #
108.       Have you read the operating instructions yet?
109.       Have you seen the new ship security officer? #
110.       Have you used a welding gun before? #
111.       He did not attempt to make a radio line call to inform us about this accident. #
112.       He is used to being in dangerous water
113.       He is working overside without using a safety harness. #
114.       How can fire be restricted to the area where it breaksout? #
115.       How can I contact you?
116.       How can you recognize the bomb? # Как вы можете узнать бомбу.
117.       How did they manage to avoid the incident? #
118.       How did you get your job as a company security officer? #
119.       How do you prevent unauthorized persons from coming on board? #
120.       How do you want these rails stowed? #
121.       How does the ship answer the helm? #
122.       How easy is it for stowaway to hide onboard?
123.       How far is it from here to the nearest bank? #
124.       How large is the port?
125.       How long are you going to work at sea? #
126.       How long did it take them to pick up the survivors? #
127.       How long has the vessel been under repair? #
128.       How long have you been an onboard security guard for? #
129.       How long have you been discharging containers? #
130.       How long have you known our Master? #
131.       How long have you been working on dry cargo vessels for? #
132.       How many copies of these documents do you need? #
133.       How many crew are there on this vessel? #
134.       How many different type of ship mines are there? #
135.       How many drums of paint do we need to paint this surface? #
136.       How many gangs will be working in this shift? = # Сколько бригад будет работать в этой смене
137.       How many propellers has your vessel got? #
138.       How many tugs were assisting in the berthing? #
139.       How much do they need for expenses?
140.       How much do you know about the company?
141.       How much does it cost?
142.       How much drums of paint do we need to paint this surface?
143.       How much fuel did you take to reduce the possibility of overfilling? #
144.       How much large is the port?
145.       How much time will it take you to complete this work? #
146.       How much time will you need to finish loading?
147.       How much water is in your vessel?
148.       How near is the airport to the oil terminal?
149.       How often do you usually have emergency drills on board? #
150.       How the pirate gangs are highly trained?
151.       Hurry! The ships doesn’t stop.
152.       I advise you change to a larger range scale
153.       I always going ashore when I am in Singapore
154.       I am afraid he’s busy at the moment, he is speaking on the phone, but, he won't be long. #
155.       I am going to check the empty containers for stowaways.
156.       I am looking for the BOSUN to ask for some white paint. Have you seen him? #
157.       I don’t have designated security duty. #
158.       I don’t understand why the security level has been downgraded from 3 to 2. #
159.       I have been looking for my key everywhere but can't find it.
160.       I know what to do if we get a bomb threat.
161.       I need to see the international ship security certificate.
162.       I need to see the ship security plan. #
163.       I think someone tried to tamper with this lock yesterday
164.       I understand my security duties. #
165.       I will be thirty on Monday. #
166.       If that happens you must go to the safe muster area. #
167.       If the engineers repair the main engine tomorrow, the ship will leave the port on time. #
168.       If the visibility is reduced, we will proceed at slow speed. #
169.       If there’d been a navy patrol in this area, I don’t think the pirates would have attacked
170.       If they increased the ship’s speed, they would arrive at the port on time. #
171.       If typhoid is found to be present, the passengers will not be allowed to disembark. = #
172.       If we increase the ship’s speed, we will arrive at port on time.
173.       If you hear an unanswered distress message transmission, what do you do? #
174.       If you’d searched the vessel thoroughly that stowaway wouldn’t have got onboard. #
175.       Is it vital we switch off the main generator?
176.       Isn’t it dangerous what he’s going to do? Oh, I’m sure he’ll be all right! N
177.       Is the berth fitted with fenders? #
178.       Is there sufficient room for swimming around?
179.       May l have your maneuvering data?
180.       New navigation equipment will be installed on board of our ship by the end of this month. #
181.       Nobody was injured after the fire in the accommodation. #
182.       Safety drills are conducted on a regular basis. #
183.       Starting the auxiliary engine from a remote position should be avoided.
184.       Tankers usually carry liquid cargoes, such as petroleum products.
185.       That area has already been sanitized.
186.       That package looks suspicious.
187.       The Bosun checked the anchor, didn’t he?
188.       The breathing apparatus is over there.
189.       The Chief Engineer and 2 Officers are arriving here by plane. #
190.       The crew are going to be briefed now. #
191.       The damage was caused bv a fire in the laundry
192.       The deck needs to be painted as soon as possible
193.       The dining table will be set.
194.       The distress message was received at 17.00. #
195.       The fire was discovered by the engineer who notices smoke coming from the hatch. #
196.       The goods will be delivered in time. #
197.       The gross tonnage is used to calculate harbor dues and pilotage. #
198.       The hold was surveyed 2 hours ago. #
199.       The hoses have been pressurised. =
200.       The investigators have been trying to find the cause of the accident since last night. #
201.       The life boats have already been launched. #
202.       The lookout is on his way to the bridge. #
203.       The main generator isn’t working properly. #
204.       The Master doesn’t seem to be very happy today. Кажется, мастер сегодня не очень счастлив
205.       The Master is still talking to the agent at the moment. = #
206.       The Officer of the Watch has been informed.
207.       The owners, flag state and coastal were not informed about the accident within the required period. #
208.       The owners, flag state and control state were not informed about the accident within the required period. #
209.       The Port State Control officer has just arrived on board. #
210.       The Port State Control officer will probably be coming back to check we’ve rectified those deficiencies. = #
211.       The process of loading and discharging was carried out by the 2nd officer yesterday. =
212.       The security guards are armed with semi-automatic rifles onboard. #
213.       The ship always arrives on schedule.
214.       The ship is proceeding at a speed of 18 knots now. #
215.       The ship must comply with the ship security plan. #
216.       The ship was chartered last year. #
217.       The ship was ordered to alter course. Кораблю было приказано изменить курс.
218.       The ship will be left for Odessa tomorrow.
219.       The ship will be placed to quarantine for 6-10 days.
220.       The space ……..been entered until the fire service arrived. # ?
221.       The space was not entered until the fire service arrived. N #
222.       The storm warning was received at 1900 hrs.
223.       The survivors were rescued from the see by helicopter.
224.       The U.S. Coast Guard is overseeing the investigation at the moment. #
225.       There are a lot of places stowaway can hide onboard. #
226.       There holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct temperature. #
227.       There’s a suspicious looking man near the gangway. #
228.       This drill was better than the last one. #
229.       Three representatives of the Port Control are on board our ship now.
230.       Today the crews are going to carry out a launch of recovery exercise with the lifeboat. #
231.       Was the pirate caught in the end? ????
232.       Was? anyone injured in the fire on board the vessel?
233.       We always carry out a drill every three month.
234.       We are repairing the main engine now. We may need some spare pats.
235.       We had been to fight off a pirate attack in this area a few months ago.
236.       We had just set sail when the bomb exploded in port. # Мы только что отплыли, когда в порту взорвалась бомба.
237.       We have already filed the security incident report. #
238.       We have got a new ship security officer. #
239.       We have made an appointment with the surveyor for tomorrow. #
240.       We need to examine the release gear.
241.       We need to improve the lighting on the deck and over side.
242.       We need to consider evacuating the ship.
243.       We no prepares lire boats tor launching.
244.       We reached the pilot station at 6 p.m. #
245.       We will keep the pilot boat on the starboard side. #
246.       We’ve got a new ship security officer. #
247.       What amendments were made to STCW recently? # поправки
248.       What are you duties at sea? #
249.       What are you thinking of doing? #
250.       What cargo does your ship carry? #
251.       What colour flare is used to signal a highly dangerous landing place? #
252.       What did you have for dinner yesterday?
253.       What does a Port Facility Security Officer do?
254.       What information did you report to the bridge after sounding the alarm? #
255.       What is her full maneuvering speed? #
256.       What is the best way to deal with burning items? #
257.       What is the cause of the main engine failure? #
258.       What is the problem with the water pressure? #
259.       What kinds of firefighting appliances are there on board? #
260.       What king of assistance do they need? #
261.       What portable fire extinguishers do you have on this ship? #
262.       What ports did your ship call at during this voyage? # В какие порты заходил ваш корабль в этом рейсе.
263.       What precautionary measures must be taken before welding? #
264.       What precautions should be taken when loading dangerous cargo? #
265.       What repairs do you want us to make? #
266.       What safety measures are carried out on vessels? #
267.       What security level is now in operation? #
268.       What should I do if we receive a bomb threat?
269.       What should you do if you discover a fire on board? #
270.       What signals are used in case of emergency? #
271.       What sort of dangers are associated with mooring operations?
272.       What steps should be taken if there is some spillage when loading? #
273.       What was the cause of the crude oil spill? #
274.       What was the main cause of the collision last week?
275.       What weapons were found in the cabin? #
276.       When did the accident in the galley happen? #
277.       When did the rudder get fixed?
278.       When did the storm hit last night?
279.       When did you do your security awareness course? #
280.       When did you last check the lifeboat inventory? #
281.       When did you last launch the lifeboat?
282.       When did you last see the watchman? = #
283.       When did you last work on a chemical tanker? #
284.       When does the flight leave for Dubai?
285.       When is the next safety training session?
286.       When is your birthday?
287.       When it gets dark the additional lights switch on. #
288.       When maneuvering light fog the lookouts are doubled.
289.       When the Captain comes we will discuss this problem? #
290.       When was the letter issued to the port authorities?
291.       When was the storm warning received? #
292.       When will our berth be available? = #
293.       When will our food be ready? #
294.       When will the pilot arrive on board? #
295.       When will the ship deliver suppliers? #
296.       When will the vessel be entering dry dock? #
297.       When will you pass through the Panama Canal? #
298.       When you arrive at the distress position?
299.       When you hear the alarm, go to your muster station. #
300.       When you leave the hotel, please leave your key to reception.
301.       Where are all the visitor passes. #
302.       Where are most pirate attacks occur?
303.       Where are the explosives stored?
304.       Where are you going? #
305.       Where did you buy your computer?
306.       Where did you take on fresh water? #
307.       Where has your vessel come from?
308.       Where is the emergency pump located? #
309.       Where is the nearest fire alarm button located? #
310.       Where is the ship bound for? #
311.       Where is the ship found for? #
312.       Where is the ship security plan? #
313.       Where will the emergency party muster? #
314.       Where's the chief engineer?
315.       Which batteries are faulty?
316.       Which spanner should I use for this repair? #
317.       Who discovered the person had fallen overboard? #
318.       Who investigate the cause on the accident?
319.       Who is entitled to sign this document?
320.       Who is keeping watch at the gangway at the moment? #
321.       Who is lashing the deck cargo? # крепит
322.       Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring? #
323.       Who is responsible for this? #
324.       Who managed to locate the fire extinguisher first? #
325.       Who prepares life boats for launching? #
326.       Who sealed and signed the oil samples? #
327.       Who sent us that email?
328.       Who sets the security levels?
329.       Who should be informed first when receiving a distress signal from another vessel? #
330.       Who was on watch yesterday at 1030?
331.       Who will investigate the cause of the accident? #
332.       Who will provide slings?
333.       Whose telephone numbers are listed in the document? #
334.       Why are the lights flashing?
335.       Why are you checking that cargo?
336.       Why are you opening the vents?
337.       Why can't we use the VHF radios? #
338.       Why did you cancel the meeting yesterday? = #
339.       Why didn't you advise the Chief Security Officer immediately?
340.       Why didn't you carry out a drill this week?
341.       Why has the main engine stopped? #
342.       Why have you disabled the alarm system?
343.       Why haven’t you pressurized the hose?
344.       Why is the Officer on Duty not on the Bridge? #
345.       Why isn't shore-based radar assistance available yet? #
346.       Why isn't this equipment in good working order? #
347.       Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks? #
348.       Why telephone no are listed in that document?
349.       Why was the Master so angry? #
350.       Why won’t you talk to the Master about the Chief Engineer? #
351.       Will be thirty on Monday.
352.       Will you inspect the galley and storeroom? #
353.       You are not to leave the ship without permission. #
354.       You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded. #
355.       You must not leave your post but should contact the other person via radio. #
356.       You mustn’t approach this area. It’s prohibited. #
357.       You need check the mooring rope. #
358.       You need to familiarise yourself with the ship security plan. #
359.       You need to wash your hands thoroughly.
360.       You now have the watch
361.       You ought to put a plaster on that cut.
362.       You shan’t leave that live wire exposed, as someone could get electrocuted. N
363.       You were with another crew on your last contract. Weren’t you?
364.       You will meet crossings traffic.

365.       Your actions will be reported to the authorities.

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